1 thought on “What are the causes and treatment methods caused by the cold dog?”

  1. What are the causes and treatment methods caused by dog ​​colds? Let’s prevent dogs from colds and treatment methods
    . The weather is changing frequently, cold and hot, and not pay attention to it, which can easily lead to a cold and illness. Because colds are likely to cause other more serious diseases, such as rhinitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, and even canine plague, it is very important to do a good job of preventing colds and effective treatment at the beginning of the onset.
    1. There are two reasons for the colds of the Labrador dog. One is the viral cold caused by the virus; the other is the general cold caused by the sudden changes in temperature and the lack of insulation measures. The general symptoms are rising body temperature, fear of cold hair, shameless eyes, flowing nose sneezing, commonly used foreplaw nose, cough. From several weeks to one or two months, puppies, malnutrition and low -disease dogs are particularly prone to colds from several weeks to one or two months. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of colds starts with the physical fitness of the dog. Usually, we must ensure the nutritional element of the dog’s food, allow the dog to do more running exercises, and enhance the physical fitness of the dog. The other is to pay attention to the heat preservation of the dog when the climate is changing to prevent cold and rain. The dog’s nest must be placed in a warmer place at home to avoid wearing the wind.
    2. Labrador dogs are not difficult to cure after a cold. Generally, experienced owners can use sulfa drugs for treatment. If necessary, use proper antibiotics to prevent complications. The owner who has severe cold symptoms or has no experience in processing must send the dog to the pet hospital for treatment in time to prevent other complications.
    . How to argue whether the Labrador dog has a cold
    1. The cold symptoms of the Labrador dog are not difficult to distinguish, but sometimes they are confused. There are two cases of colds in Labrador dogs, one usually occurs when it is often occurred in early spring, late autumn and climate change. Most of the causes are due to sudden cold stimuli, such as when they encounter a thief in the winter or are invaded by the wind when they are sleeping indoors, sleeping in the cold season, being rained, and not timely blowing the hair after bathing the dog, and so on. The main symptoms of a cold are now: the sick dog is depressed, appetite or abolishment, eye conjunctiva is flushed, and the eyes are shameful and crying. There is a cough, the snot is pus, the breathing is accelerated, the body temperature rises, and the cold and the cold shall be treated. There is also flu, which is caused by the virus and appears popular. Mainly manifested as high fever. In addition to the symptoms of colds, it is often accompanied by conjunctivitis and intestinal card.
    2. Many early symptoms of infectious diseases of Labrador are similar to the symptoms of colds, such as early symptoms of warm warmth, early symptoms of small virus disease. The manifestations of these diseases are mainly symptoms such as rising body temperature, sneezing, shame, tears, and flowing rhinopus, which are very similar to the symptoms of colds. Some owners are easily confusing and mistakenly believe that dogs suffer from colds, causing misdiagnosis and wrong treatment measures, causing serious consequences of dog death. Fake colds are generally more common in the early stages of infectious diseases, in fact, there are other special symptoms. When the dog is infected with the temperature of the dog’s warm virus, the body temperature is generally two -way heat, the body temperature is high and low, and most of the diseased dogs have symptoms of raw eye feces. In the early stage of small viruses, it was mainly accompanied by the main symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, and generally vomiting and diarrhea. As long as the owner can observe it carefully, it can still be distinguished and judged. In any case, when the dog has a cold symptoms, it is necessary to take measures in time. The lack of experience must send the dog to the dog in time to avoid serious consequences!
    three. Symptoms
    1. Style, half -closed eyes, tears, conjunctival congestion red swelling, nasal flow liquid nasal liquid, sneezing, and body temperature increased by more than 39 degrees, breathing fast, and sometimes cough. A loss of appetite. When puppies have no disease, if they have not been immune and reduce their resistance, other infectious diseases. Dogs are secondary to other infectious diseases.
    2. Simple cold cold, such as timely treatment, can be cured quickly. If the treatment is not timely, puppies can be followed by bronchial pneumonia.
    four. Treatment
    The relief, removing the cause, and preventing secondary infections.
    (1) 1-2 ml of Bupleurum injection, muscle injection, 2 times / day.
    (2) 50,000 units of penicillin/kg of weight, muscle injection, 2 times/day.
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